Inspecting one’s foundation can mean a couple of different things. If you were searching the net to do research on makeup brands like Maybelline and MAC, you’d better click the back button… what we’re talking about is a very different kind of foundation: building foundation! So, now that we’re on the same page, and the makeup enthusiasts have been redirected to their makeup forums, what are we looking for when inspecting our foundations? Let’s have a gander.
1) Is there any cracking?
The first and most obvious thing to look for when inspecting your foundations is cracking. When your walls are cracking significantly, it’s often a sign that your soil is shifting and that your foundation needs repair. Large cracks and ‘staircase cracks’ (when the cracks run up the bricks like a staircase) are a tell-tale sign that there’s something iffy going on with your foundation. Call up a foundation repair expert if you’ve noticed these kinds of cracks in your home.
2) What’s the cause of the cracking?
This can be tricky to pinpoint, especially if you don’t have a background in construction or foundation works. What we mean by this, though, is to have a look for any signs of the cause. For example, is there any wonkiness in the eaves or the gables of your roof? Have your veranda’s supporting beams sunk or tilted slightly? If there are other signs of foundation sinkage, then you’re more likely to identify the cause of the problem.
3) Are there any faults in the plumbing?
Quite often, you’ll find that when serious cracking or foundation damage has occurred, it also causes faults in your plumbing. If there’s sign of any leaking near your cracked bricks, or anywhere else around the house, get in contact with a foundation repair team immediately.
4) Are there any large trees in close proximity?
Trees aren’t always a problem, but they can sometimes give us a little extra clue as to what the problem with your foundation is. Large trees like gums and pines have large roots, and large roots can cause drying-related shrinkage of the soil’s moisture content. This can alter your founding soils moisture levels, causing it to shift.
5) Contact a foundation expert like Techniblock
The final and most important consideration when inspecting your foundation is to get in touch with a professional. A qualified foundation repairer like the team at Techniblock can tell you pretty much instantly if you’ve got issues with your foundation. Techniblock are Melbourne’s foundation specialists, offering their expertise in construction, repairs, retrofitting basements and a lot more. Their advanced screw pile technology and quality bored pier work will guarantee that your foundation issues are solved promptly and effectively. Get in touch with Techniblock to get your foundation back on track today.